Content Management – Video Trends in 2023 (Part 7)

No matter how ruthless you are with your video footage, you’ll always end up with more than you need. And that’s a good thing. You never know when a piece of b-roll of a corridor might be just what’s needed to break up talking heads in your video.

Eye tracking studies by the Nielsen Norman Group have found that breaking up what your viewer sees can keep their attention. For that reason, you need an extensive video library.

As your content grows, your ability to manage it shrinks. Your knowledge of what you have and where to find it diminishes. Making sure you’re set up to search for content is an important first step in managing the volume of files available.

What to look for in your video platform

The ability to store, tag, file and find your content is essential. You’ll also want to set permissions for different clips depending on who can use them and manage quality control and messaging within your chose video platform.

Combining a digital platform with expert people will give you the best of both worlds and you’ll benefit from video experts carefully curating all your video content so you can always get access to what you need.

If you’re putting together a 10 year anniversary video, you might want help finding the clips and making sure you celebrate every success from the last decade.

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